Monday, August 07, 2006

I Dream of Funding

I fantasize that one day I'll get paid to write. Not just a token amount scarcely enough to pay for a subscription to the local newspaper, but really paid. (I also fantasize that I'm living in the south of France while I'm doing this paid writing, but that's beyond the point...) So today's blog focus is money: winning it, earning it ... whatever works.

First up, a few resources for grant-seekers:

And next, a few good sources (other than your creased and coffee-stained copy of Writer's Market) for contest information:

And finally, a few sources for paying work:

Don't forget that most genres have their own lists of contests and awards. For example, you'd naturally check out the RWA if you're a romance writer, but would you think of checking out The Cat Writers' Association if you write about cats?

I'm still looking for the "Creative Writing in the South of France Grant", though. So clue me in if you find it, alright?

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