Thursday, August 31, 2006

Useful plotting advice

As promised, another post this week to make up for the short offering on Tuesday. This list of plotting suggestions comes from Alicia Rasley: a writer who is most known as a romance writer and writing instructor. Her writing booklets are quite inspiring.


Anonymous said...

Hey Dar,
I like this article. It really condenses the issures, makes them easy to pinpoint. I'm going to take the advice in #1 and try applying them to my nanowrimo from last year - see how my protagonist is reacting to each conflict point...thanks for the link!

Anonymous said...

Hmm I particularly liked the point about passive protagonists. I tend to do that in my writing. I let the main character be the one watching everything unfold rather than unfolding, tying up, knotting and shredding the events. Definately some fabulous and concise advice, thanks.