Friday, January 12, 2007


If you haven't heard of Shelley Jackson's work of human literature, Skin, yet, check this out. Here's her page: The Inderadicable Stain. Here's the Poets and Writers Magazine write up.


Anonymous said...

That's just CRAZY! In five years no one is going to be impressed that you have a word from her story tattooed on their neck, face, arm, buttock, etc. Some people will do anything to be included in the publishing world!
I really liked the spinoff project with the entire story written on ONE person. And it was washable so you didn't have to live with it after the event.

(Glad to see you have time for us again...:^P)

Darlene said...

I can appreciate the artistic concept behind it, though. I don't think I would tattoo a word on myself which has been chosen by someone else, but the idea of being a part of a larger, ongoing, changing story appeals to me.

By the way, did you ever see The Pillow Book? Not for the prudish, but just gorgeous, and in it, the characters write stories on one another. Also, it has Ewan McGregor without clothing -- always a plus.